20 Quick Daily Health Tips
1. Go Spicy
I love spicy foods, and they’ve proven to be great for health and weight loss. Thanks to the capsaicin and the antioxidants in spicy foods, they’ll increase your internal temperature and boost your circulation. They even release endorphins to make you feel better.
2. Drink Tea
Coffee stresses your adrenal glands and it really isn’t all that great for you. Good quality green tea gives you a milder kick, but it lasts a lot longer than coffee – and it’s less irritating for your nervous system. Bonus: It speeds up your metabolism and burns fat.
3. Use Menthol
Muscles feeling sore, or your head giving you problems? Rub a bit of menthol cream (such as Tiger Balm or Vicks VapoRub) into your achy parts, and you’ll feel so much better!
4. Add Ginger Liberally
This is one of my favorite ingredients, and it makes for one of the best daily health tips too! Strong ginger tea kills sore throats, eliminates congestion, and it will give you the kick you need to wake up when you’re tired.
5. Change Your Sneaks
That old pair of shoes is probably worn out, and you’d be amazed by how great you’ll feel when you get a new pair of shoes. The added cushioning will be wonderful for your feet, and you’ll have lots more energy when you walk or run.
6. Do Puzzles
I love puzzles, and they help to keep my mind sharp. I do my puzzles as a break in my work day, and it helps to relax me while keeping both my hands and brain occupied. Why are they so great? Doing puzzles and other mental-oriented activities will stave off Alzheimer’s and keep you sharp for years to come.
7. Sniff an Apple
I have actually tried this one, and it works! If you’re hungry, get a healthy apple and hold it up to your nose. Take a dozen or so deep breaths, and get back to work. Your hunger pangs will be gone!
8. Chew Gum
Sugarless gum is a major part of my day, as it helps me to focus on what I’m doing. It’s low in sugar and calories, and it keeps my mind zeroed in on my writing. As a bonus, it keeps me from getting hungry too!
9. Drop a Yolk
Want a quick snack to carry you over until lunch time? Cook up one full free range egg and one egg white, saving the other yolk for cooking or baking. The egg/egg white combo will give you fewer than 100 calories, but it will be a tasty treat to keep you from being hungry.
10. Stretch
Bored while watching TV? Sit on your living room floor and do some stretches. You’ll find that working your body will help your mind focus on what you’re doing, and occupying your mind will help you to stretch without cringing at the pain of trying to do the splits or a back-bend.
11. Bounce
Yoga balls rock my world, and you should have one at work or at home. Just sit while you play a game or watch TV, and bounce. It’s tons of fun, and not bad exercise either.
12. Run to Workout
I make sure my gym and karate studio are just far enough away that I can run or cycle to class. It gives me a great workout before my real workout, and it’s a few hundred extra calories burned.
13. Drink Probiotics
I’ve added Yakult drinks to my breakfast, and they make digestion much easier for me first thing in the morning. I’ve had fewer stomach problems since I’ve started drinking the tasty drinks.
14. Add Lavender
Need to relax after a stressful day at work? Sit in the bath, and add a few drops of lavender essential oil into the water. The scent will relax you, and you’ll feel so much better once you come out – ready for a good long nap.
15. Power Nap
Just 20 minutes a day is all you need, and it’s one of my best daily health tips. Take a power nap and in 20 minutes you’ll be totally perked up and ready to get back to work.
16. Slice Avocado
Avocados have many health benefits and adding them to your meals will help you get a lot more Vitamin E and healthy fats.
17. Set a Water Goal
You know you need to drink more water, so make it a goal to drink a bit more each day. Drink a cup or two every hour on the hour, or have a water bottle at your desk that you empty out whenever you remember it. Starting the day with a big glass of water and fresh lemon juice is particularly energizing.
18. Drink Cranberry Juice
Cranberries are loaded with Vitamin C, which will flush out your body and boost your immune system. Make sure the juice is unsweetened, and enjoy that tangy goodness as it gives you the health kick you need.
19. Have a Mint
Stomach causing you problems after a heavy meal? Have a peppermint to help soothe your stomach, or drink a glass of mint tea. You can say goodbye to acid reflux or indigestion.
20. Get Out
Spend more time in the sun, at least 30 minutes a day. Your body needs more Vitamin D, and it gets it from the UV rays of the sun. Don’t wear sunblock, but just spend enough time in the sun to get a small amount of color without full-on burning.
These daily health tips are simple and easy to add to your daily life, and they’ll keep you very happy and healthy!