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Our mission is to promote awareness to the need of proactive participation in our respective wellness while providing access to affordable state of the art preventive care to all.
Far too often the need to seek medical advice is realized when almost too late. Leading to expensive medical coverage charges that translate into financial burden felt far away from the immediate family circle. We have all been affected from close or far.
It is apparent that the need to leverage a new model to respond to that issue is real and quite urgent.
Unfortunately, we have all experienced first hand what the lack of easy and affordable access to adequate health screening and monitoring could have as a negative affect on our families and friends. Our team of scientists, technology experts and medical actors with years of experience in their respective areas, has pledged to use our collective knowledge and capacity to create a model that fits the specific needs of all populations regardless of their socio economic circumstances.
aloMedic’s health promotion and disease prevention strategy aligns with the W.H.O.’s initiative toward Universal Health Coverage by 2030, according to S.D.G. target 3.8.1: “The proportion of a population that can access essential quality health services.”
We aim to play a very distinct role in your health journey and that of your loved ones.
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Our core values give us a framework for leadership and daily decisions, and help us enjoy our time at work. Sounds so simple, but too often companies get caught up in politics, ivory-tower attitudes, and market mania instead of focusing on the things that probably made them successful in the first place.
Here at aloMedic, We exist To Serve !
We strive to set the highest standard of quality in everything we do. We always want to drive towards the next great thing by constantly challenging ourselves to improve and break new ground.
The following core values and beliefs define what’s important to us at aloMedic:
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We are honest and ethical in all we say and do
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We embrace the whole person and respond to emotional, ethical, and spiritual concerns as well as physical needs.
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We hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We are committed to serving our patients. We take pride in our success and are responsible for our shortcomings. Accountability drives our commitment to quality improvement at aloMedic.
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We treat every individual as a person of worth, dignity and value.
Respect is deserved, not earned, and is the core of how we deal with each other and those whom we interact.
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We are honest and ethical in all we say and do
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[/plethora_headinggroup][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/a3MckmAUBWQ” align=”center” title=” What we do “][/vc_column][vc_column offset=”vc_col-md-2″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column align=”text-center” offset=”vc_col-md-8″][plethora_testimonials testimonial_category=”testimonials”][/vc_column][vc_column offset=”vc_col-md-2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]